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Turkmenistan introduces Hydro Plus diesel fuel production technology

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 16. Turkmenistan has introduced the Hydro Plus diesel fuel production technology into the production of the Turkmenbashi Oil Processing Complex, TurkicWorld reports.

According to the official source, this technology allows the production of diesel fuel with improved characteristics and hydrotreating.

In the production of diesel fuel using the developed technology, the output of products increases by 15 percent, and its quality improves.

The product is improved for use at any time of the year, and such fuel extends the service life of the internal combustion engines of the equipment in which it is used.

Furthermore, the improved fuel composition and quality characteristics meet the requirements of the state quality standard for such goods.

Meanwhile, recently, Deputy Chairman of the Government of Turkmenistan, Batyr Amanov, said that from January through April of this year, the Turkmen Turkmennebit State Concern fulfilled the plan for the production of diesel fuel by 100.6 percent.

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