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Mustafa Sentop Kyrgyzstan Türkiye

Kyrgyz Parliament speaker meets with Chairman of Grand National Assembly of Turkiye

Kabar. Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic Nurlanbek Shakiev met with Chairman of the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Turkiye Mustafa Shentop in Ankara.

The press service of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan said that at the meeting, held within the framework of the XII plenary session of the TurkPA, the parties discussed issues of strengthening political, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties between the two countries, expanding inter-parliamentary cooperation.

First, Nurlanbek Shakiev expressed condolences in connection with the earthquake that occurred in Turkiye, adding that the Kyrgyz people took the tragic news of the loss of life with deep sorrow and shared the pain of loss with the Turkish people.

The speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh highly appreciated bilateral relations, drawing attention to the active development of ties between Kyrgyzstan and Turkey in the fields of education and healthcare.

Along with this, Nurlanbek Shakiev touched upon the development of trade and economic relations, noting that Turkiyeis one of the largest trade and economic partners of Kyrgyzstan.

“Parliamentary dialogue plays an important role in the development of cooperation based on brotherhood and mutual trust. Therefore, our main goal is to expand inter-parliamentary relations in a bilateral format and at the international level,” he said, also pointing to the need to intensify interaction between parliamentary commissions and relevant committees of parliaments.

Mustafa Shentop noted that Kyrgyzstan was among the first countries that extended a helping hand after the tragic natural disaster, and expressed gratitude for the support provided and sent yurts.

“We are a people with deep historical ties, similar traditions and religion. And we are interested in preserving and increasing the values inherited from our ancestors, developing our cooperation at a new level,” Mustafa Shentop said, speaking about the expansion of political, economic, cultural and humanitarian relations.

The meeting was also attended by deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh Aibek Osmonov, Ulan Bakasov and Cholpon Sultanbekova.

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