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Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov

President of Kyrgyzstan signs decree to boost agro-industrial complex dev't

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan, July 23. President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov has signed a decree on measures for the further development of the agro-industrial complex in the country, TurkicWorld reports.

The decree instructs the Cabinet of Ministers to develop measures to:

- Encourage the voluntary unification of farms into cooperatives or other forms of farming;

- Improve and simplify preferential lending for large-scale production and support the development of economically important agro-industrial enterprises;

- Enhance development of pasture lands;

- Implement green biotechnologies, climate adaptation technologies, artificial intelligence, and other modern technologies in agricultural production;

- Increase the use of biological and organic fertilizers and pesticides by 2030;

- Digitalize agricultural production;

- Implement international quality standards in agricultural production, among other initiatives.

Additionally, the decree instructs measures for the attraction of foreign private investments into agricultural production, the preparation of high-quality investment projects for investors, and the tripling of foreign investments in agriculture by 2030.

Furthermore, the Cabinet of Ministers is tasked with:

- Doubling agricultural product exports by 2030;

- Achieving a processing level of at least 50 percent of agricultural products by 2040.

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