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Russia Kyrgyzstan

Russia to bail out Kyrgyzstan in rehabilitation of uranium, mining tailings

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan, June 24. Russia will help Kyrgyzstan rehabilitate uranium and mining tailings, TurkicWorld reports.

According to the Kyrgyz parliament, the Committee on Agricultural Policy, Water Resources, Ecology, and Regional Development has reviewed and approved the draft law on ratifying the relevant agreement between the Cabinet of the Ministers of Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Government, signed on March 26, 2024, in Sochi, in its first reading.

Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations Azamat Mambetov highlighted that the goals of the agreement are to ensure the safety of the population living near the waste sites of former uranium mining and processing operations. Additionally, it aims to reduce the risk of emergencies at these sites across Kyrgyzstan.

The Deputy Minister also stated that out of 60 tailings, 50 are planned to get back on their feet.

Meanwhile, Kyrgyzstan's parliament members have recently approved a bill to lift the moratorium on uranium and thorium mining, which has been in place since 2019.

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