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Russia Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyz and Russian regions sign news documents on cooperation

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan, April 25. Kyrgyzstan's Chuy region and Russia's Leningrad region have signed a series of documents on cooperation following the visit of the Russian delegation to the country, TurkicWorld reports.

According to the government of the Leningrad region, the following agreements were signed:

- A plan of action for 2024-2026 for the implementation of the Agreement between the Government of Leningrad region and the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Kyrgyzstan in Chuy region on cooperation in trade, economic, scientific-technical, and socio-cultural spheres dated June 15, 2023;

- Agreement on establishing friendly relations between Tosno municipal district of Leningrad region and Alamudun district of Chuy region;

- Memorandum of cooperation between the Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin and the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University.

Meanwhile, the country's trade with Russia amounted to $335.110 million from January through February 2024, which is 9 percent less than in the same months of 2023 ($368.136 million), according to the State Statistical Committee of Kyrgyzstan.

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