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President of Turkmenistan ratifies package of laws

Baku. TurkicWorld:

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov has ratified a package of laws and decrees passed during the seventh convocation of the Turkmenistan parliament on July 13, TurkicWorld reports.

Specifically, he approved amendments to the Social Protection Code, which will enable pensions and benefits to be transferred directly to recipients' bank accounts.

The country has also agreed to join the Protocol on the Protection of Industrial Designs under the Eurasian Patent Convention. The president also ratified the Protocol to the Agreement between Turkmenistan and the EU.

Additionally, Berdimuhamedov has ratified the agreement to join the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

The president approved legislative changes concerning the budget code, sanitary regulations, physical culture and sports, scientific and technical policy, and anti-doping measures.

Furthermore, Turkmenistan ratified the Amendment to Article VI of the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), adopted on October 1, 1999.

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