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Tajikistan advances funding negotiations for Rogun HPP

DUSHANBE, Tajikistan, October 1. Tajikistan is actively negotiating grant funding totaling $500 million from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and $650 million from the World Bank (WB) to finance the Rogun Hydroelectric Plant project, TurkicWorld reports via the Tajik President’s press service.

Tajik President Emomali Rahmon said this at a meeting with the builders of the Rogun hydropower station.

"Negotiations are underway to sign a grant agreement with the World Bank for $650 million and a loan agreement with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank for $500 million," Rahmon said.

The President also emphasized that several loan agreements have already been concluded, including one for $150 million with the Islamic Development Bank and another for $100 million with the Saudi Development Fund.

Additionally, he noted that Tajikistan may receive $100 million in loans from the OPEC Fund for International Development, the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, the Abu Dhabi Fund, and the Italian Savings Trust Fund.

To note, the government initially allocated $488 million from the budget for the construction work at the Rogun HPP, and another $263 million is planned for 2024.

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