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Western Azerbaijan Community

US official engages in discriminatory behavior against Azerbaijanis - Western Community

Baku, TurkicWorld:

The US Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasian Affairs, Yuri Kim, has taken an incorrect stance on the right of return and discriminated against Azerbaijanis during the "US Role for a New Regional Order in the South Caucasus" event, which was organized by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace last week, the Western Azerbaijan Community said, TurkicWorld reports.

It is noted that, while discussing the right of return for Armenians who voluntarily left the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, Kim did not address the right of return for Azerbaijanis who were forcibly expelled from Armenia. This omission is viewed as discrimination against Azerbaijanis on ethnic and religious grounds. Such a stance by the US official contradicts the principle of equal rights and impedes peace and reconciliation in the region.

The community also highlighted that a letter sent to US Secretary Antony Blinken last April regarding the right of return for Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia remains unanswered. Instead of making divisive statements, Yuri Kim should address this letter, which falls within her responsibilities, according to the community.

"Reaffirming its commitment to international law norms and principles, the Western Azerbaijan Community will continue its resolute efforts to secure the right of return for Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia and to restore their damaged cultural heritage. The community demands that the US government cease its ethnic and religious discrimination regarding human rights issues and respect the right of return for Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia," the statement reads.

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