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Armenia EU Russia Maria Zakharova CSTO

Talks about Armenia's forced search for alternative to Russia - attempt to shift responsibility, MFA says

BAKU, Azerbaijan, November 22. Talks about Armenia's forced search for an alternative to Russia is an attempt to shift responsibility and find the guilty in own mistakes, the Spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova said during a weekly briefing, TurkicWorld reports.

She made the remark, commenting on the statements of the Armenian authorities regarding the so-called 'change of direction' in the country's foreign policy.

"It's interesting to know how this is working practically. It's a blatant attempt to conceal true intentions. It's clear that it involves a fundamental change in Armenia's orientation in foreign affairs, and this is being done quite obviously with hints from the West," Zakharova said.

"They are trying to camouflage it, hoping that they can maintain the previous level of assistance and some special relationships. This is all visible and understandable, and it cannot be hidden. Talks about Armenia allegedly being forced to seek an alternative because it did not receive a response from Russia to its requests, and that Armenia is not leaving the CSTO but, on the contrary, is an attempt to shift responsibility and find those responsible for their own miscalculations," she stated.

Zakharova mentioned that consultations were held with Armenia, both in a bilateral format and within the framework of the CSTO. However, Yerevan made the decision in favor of hosting an EU mission in the country.

"Armenia's request to remove the consideration of the draft statement in support of achieving peace in the region from the CSTO summit agenda is also very eloquent. Russia and other CSTO allies remain open to dialogue and are ready to help if Yerevan wants to do so," she said.

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