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Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan continues criminal probe into its serviceman death

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 13. The investigation into the criminal case regarding the death of a serviceman of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan continues, TurkicWorld reports via the statement of the Prosecutor General's Office.

The statement pointed out that the Military Prosecutor's Office of Nakhchivan continues preliminary investigation into the criminal case initiated under Article 120.2.12 of the Criminal Code (premeditated murder with aggravating circumstances) on finding the dead body of the servicemen of the Azerbaijan Army, soldier Jeyhun Huseynov, who went missing under unknown circumstances, after two days in the direction of Gunnut settlement in Sharur district of Nakhchivan.

"In the criminal case, forensic, complex forensic ballistic, fingerprint, and trace examinations were ordered, the scene of the incident and the body were examined, witnesses were questioned, and the necessary investigative actions were carried out with the seizure of items significant in the case as material evidence.

The Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan expresses deep condolences to the family and relatives of the serviceman in connection with the incident and informs that, in accordance with the requirements of the law, all necessary measures will be taken in the criminal case and further details will be announced," the statement explained.

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