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Design work begins for Momine Khatun Mausoleum refurbishment in Azerbaijan

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 24. Austrian experts have arrived in Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan to launch design work for renovation of the local Momine Khatun Mausoleum, TurkicWorld reports.

In accordance with the "Detailed action plan for 2023-2024 of the state program for Socio-Economic Development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for 2023-2027", a contract has been signed with the Austrian Atelier Erich Pummer GmbH for the design work and site improvement.

The company’s head, Erich Pummer, and his team have already conducted a preliminary inspection for measurement work and a thorough study of the mauseleum's current condition in Nakhchivan.

To note, the aforementioned company has been operating in this field in Azerbaijan for over five years.

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