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Nakhchivan mine

Azerbaijan investigating mine incident on border with Armenia

BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 12. An investigation is underway on a mine incident that occurred in a non-demined territory called Eylag Ganligol, Shahbuz district of Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan, bordering with Armenia, a source in the Azerbaijani Prosecutor General's Office told TurkicWorld

According to the source, as a result of the incident, a resident of the Sharur district, Bakhtiyar Sultanov (born in 2005), received injuries of varying severity degrees.

"He was immediately taken to hospital and received the necessary medical care, but his condition still remains heavy.

Employees of the Shahbuz district prosecutor's office, with the participation of a criminal prosecutor and engineering units of the Azerbaijani Army, inspected the scene of the incident and carried out other necessary procedural actions.

"An investigation into this fact is underway at the Shahbuz district prosecutor’s office," the source added.

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