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Azerbaijan proves prepared to counter any threat - Turkish general

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 24. A nation's military might is an essential component of its national power, Türkiye’s former military attaché in Azerbaijan, reserve general Yucel Karauz said in a statement to TurkicWorld

He underscored that a nation is incapable of safeguarding itself from external dangers in the absence of a robust army.

"Recently, President Ilham Aliyev stated during his speech in Milli Majlis that without military power we cannot succeed in any sphere - neither in economic nor political. I believe that the history of independent Azerbaijan, including the period of thirty years of occupation, clearly shows this. Without our military potential and power, we would never have been able to liberate our land from the occupants.

A robust army, bolstered by political and military actors, is essential for a potent Azerbaijan. Those who are unable to accept Azerbaijan's victory are devising new strategies to counteract it. Armenia is receiving military assistance from France and other Western nations.

Armenia and any supporting nation must recognize that coercing Azerbaijan by blackmail and ultimatums is ineffectual. Azerbaijan has the capability to address threats and is prepared to take action.

If a real danger rears its ugly head for Azerbaijan, nipping it in the bud will be a walk in the park. This is the last straw for Armenia and its backers: Azerbaijan's iron fist is primed to strike back. It's wise not to push Azerbaijan's buttons," he added.

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