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Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov Bishkek

Sadyr Zhaparov congratulates on 145th anniversary of Bishkek city

Bishkek, April 29, 2023. /Kabar/. President Sadyr Zhaparov today congratulated the residents and guests of Bishkehe on the occasion of the 145th anniversary of the capital city.

In his congratulation the head of state said today is an important day - the Day of the city of Bishkek, the capital of our sovereign Kyrgyzstan.

“We all know well that our capital used to be called the city of Pishpek, and then Frunze. And only after our country was proclaimed a sovereign, democratic country, it officially received its historical name – Bishkek,” he noted.

Zhaparov stressed that in Soviet times, the capital had the status of a green city. And for all Kyrgyzstanis, of course, it is a great honor to see the city of Bishkek among the wonderful cities of the world called the marble city.

He also highlighted the great work of the statesman and politician, national hero of Kyrgyzstan Turdakun Usubaliev in achieving such well-deserved respect from the international community.

“For the first time in its 145-year history, the area, which contained only 752 houses, not counting more than 100 yurts, has become a blessed city, which today is home to more than a million people.

Once again, I congratulate Bishkek on the City Day, which is the face of Kyrgyzstan, the heart of the state! We must be able to love our capital, which leads every citizen of Kyrgyzstan to a brighter future, inspires them to implement their plans, welcomes everyone with open arms!

Let our capital develop every day and become more beautiful!,” President Zhaparov said.

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