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Kyrgyzstan Mongolia

Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia discuss key issues of cooperation

Baku. TurkicWorld:

President of Kyrgyzstan, Sadyr Zhaparov, and Chairman of the State Great Khural (Parliament) of Mongolia Gombojavin Zandanshatar, discussed the current issues of Kyrgyz-Mongolian cooperation, TurkicWorld reports.

"Over the past year, we have witnessed a positive momentum in cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia, particularly with an expanded political dialogue and actively advancing economic ties. Within the framework of agreements in the field of education, student exchanges for the study of Kyrgyz and Mongolian languages are actively being implemented," Zhaparov said.

The head of state emphasized the importance of developing trade and economic relations between the countries, as well as the significant opportunities for cooperation in the mining industry sector.

During the meeting, Kyrgyz president expressed gratitude to the Mongolian side for supporting Kyrgyzstan's accession to the agreement on international road transport along the Asian Highway Network and for endorsing Kyrgyzstan's candidacy as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the years 2027-2028. He also expressed interest in further deepening cooperation across various areas, especially in inter-parliamentary cooperation.

In turn, Zandanshatar noted that Mongolia welcomes Kyrgyzstan's active efforts in combating crime and corruption. According to him, this creates a favorable investment environment, leading Mongolian investors to express interest in doing business in Kyrgyzstan.

Furthermore, Zhaparov highlighted that the bilateral documents signed during the visit signify the further strengthening of friendly relations between the countries. He extended his greetings and best wishes to President Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh, mentioning that they look forward to his official visit to the country at a convenient time.

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