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Kyrgyzstan CSTO

Kyrgyz FM takes part in joint meeting of Council of Foreign and Defense Ministers and CSTO Council

Bishkek, Nov. 23, 2023. / Kabar/. /. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Jeenbek Kulubaev took part in a joint meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CMFA), the Council of Defense Ministers (CMD) and the Committee of Secretaries of Security Councils of the Collective Security Treaty Organization CSTO), which took place in Minsk.

During the meeting, an exchange of views took place on the military-political situation in the CSTO collective security regions and the activities of the Organization during the intersessional period.

In connection with the transfer of the chairmanship of the CSTO to the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 1, 2024, the Kazakh side presented priority areas of CSTO activity for the coming year.

As a result of the joint meeting, the Statement of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the CSTO member states “On common approaches to ensuring the security of the Eurasian space” was adopted and a number of documents were signed aimed at further strengthening cooperation within the Organization, as well as on personnel and financial issues.

Also draft documents were approved, which were submitted for consideration by members of the CSTO Collective Security Council, whose meeting will take place on November 23 of this year in the city of Minsk.

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