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Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov Japan

President Zhaparov meets in Tokyo with leadership of ROTOBO

Bishkek, Nov. 20, 2023. / Kabar/. President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov today, as part of his official visit to Japan, held a business meeting in Tokyo with the leadership of ROTOBO.

The Japan Association for Trade with Russia and the Newly Independent States (ROTOBO) was founded in 1967 and promotes the development of business cooperation with the CIS countries, near and far abroad. Partner countries are Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Mongolia.

Welcoming the distinguished guests, President of the Association, Masami Iijima, noted that it was a great honor for them to meet with the President of Kyrgyzstan.

He noted with satisfaction that the Government of Japan is increasing its interest in Central Asia. This is evidenced by the planned high-level events in 2024 within the framework of the “Japan + Central Asia” format.

In this context, Masami Iijima said that at the end of November this year a business mission consisting of 20 people who represents leading Japanese companies and large enterprises will be sent to Kyrgyzstan. The visit includes a number of events, including a visit to the Bishkek FEZ and meetings with representatives of government bodies of Kyrgyzstan.

He emphasized his intention to use the business mission’s visit as an opportunity to step by step develop consistent relations with Kyrgyzstan, identifying the most potential areas for increasing scale and business between the two countries. In particular, the Japanese side is interested in developing economic exchanges between Kyrgyzstan and is ready to intensify business dialogue in areas such as tourism, agriculture, energy, industry, etc.

Masami Iijima emphasized that President Sadyr Zhaparov’s visit to Japan is timely and will give additional impetus to strengthening cooperation between the two countries.

Welcoming the meeting participants, the head of state expressed confidence that this meeting will mark the beginning of closer interaction between Kyrgyzstan and Japan.

Sadyr Zhaparov noted with satisfaction the desire of the Japanese side to become familiar with the investment and economic opportunities that Kyrgyzstan offers. Today's meeting will open up new prospects for the development of business relations with Japan's partners, in particular with the Japan Association for Trade with Russia (ROTOBO).

The president, emphasizing that Japan is one of the important partners of Kyrgyzstan, noted with satisfaction the positive dynamics of growth in bilateral trade this year. At the same time, Sadyr Zhaparov indicated that the potential for the development of trade and economic cooperation between the two countries is not fully used.

The head of state emphasized to the meeting participants that Kyrgyzstan has significant natural resources, large reserves of energy resources and minerals, as well as a qualified workforce.

On the issue of cooperation with Japanese partners, Sadyr Zhaparov noted that Kyrgyzstan stands for a wider presence of Japanese business and leading corporations in the country, in such areas as the green economy, tourism, renewable energy sources, agriculture, light and manufacturing industries, services, digitalization, as well as the mining industry.

The president drew special attention to the emerging opportunities and existing potential for cooperation with the Kyrgyz side in the field of construction of hydropower stations, development of renewable energy sources, as well as in conducting joint scientific research in these areas.

Minister of Economy and Commerce of Kyrgyzstan Daniyar Amangeldiev made a presentation, which provided detailed information about the country’s opportunities and preferential conditions for investors.

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