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Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev

We showed nations suffering from occupation and colonialism that one must to live with faith - President Ilham Aliyev

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 20. We have shown the whole world, especially nations suffering from occupation and colonialism, that one must live with faith. Faith must never be broken. If it is, justice will never prevail. But there is justice in the world," said President Ilham Aliyev during a meeting with the faculty and students of Karabakh University, TurkicWorld reports.

"As President, I also thought at certain times that there was no justice in the world. But I knew that in order to achieve this justice, you have to secure it yourself, it will not fall from the sky. You may be right, the whole world may acknowledge and know that you are right, but there will be no result. Therefore, this should be the basis for our future activities. Of course, our example is a beacon of hope for many peoples still suffering from occupation and facing injustices today. This is important. But the main goals for our people in the future are to rely on our own strength, to be strong, to build a strong state, not to depend on anyone, not to bow down to anyone. Of course, there must be a state policy to ensure this, and it is there".

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