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Russia China Vladimir Putin

Putin expects trade with Russia to exceed $200 bln in 2023

Russia and China will be able to exceed the targeted annual trade of 200 billion US dollars already this year, Russian President wrote in an article for China’s The People’s Daily ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia, TurkicWorld reports citing TASS.

The article was posted on the Kremlin website on Sunday.

The Russian leader cited trade and economic partnership among the key priorities for the two countries. "In 2022, our bilateral trade, which had already been considerable by the time, doubled to reach USD 185 billion," he noted.

"This is a new record. What is more, we have every reason to believe that the USD 200 billion target, which was set by President Xi Jinping and myself, will be exceeded as early as this year instead of 2024," the Russian president wrote.

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