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Armenia Russia France

Russian MFA comments on contract for military equipment supply from France to Armenia

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 19. By taking a new approach, Paris is instigating yet another round of armed conflict in the South Caucasus, Spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said, commenting on the contract for the supply of military equipment from France to Armenia, TurkicWorld reports.

"Here is another step. We have talked about this, and here you see confirmation once again. The policymakers of France are guided not by the interests of Armenia or any specific nation.

In order to accomplish its conjunctural goals, Paris aims to take advantage of preexisting disputes and conflicts inside and between nations. The conjunctural goals imply not only the personal interests of the Élysée Palace but also France as a proponent of NATO ideology. I think this is how one should approach this," she explained.

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