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Uzbekistan to take steps for digitalizing transport sector

BAKU, Azerbaijan, January 31. Uzbekistan has launched a "UzBus" mobile app for buying bus tickets, TurkicWorld reports via Uzbekistan’s Ministry of transport.

According to the source, by using this app users will be able to purchase electronic tickets for intercity and international buses operating from the bus station of Tashkent.

Passengers will also have the opportunity to get acquainted with the schedule of intercity and international buses at the Tashkent bus station.

The source said that in the nearest future, the mobile app will also provide the purchase of bus tickets from bus stations in other Uzbek regions.

Meanwhile, Uzbekistan's government pays special attention not only to the development of the country's transport sector but also to the improvement of public transport in the capital city. In this regard, in 2022 Uzbekistan has allocated 5 billion Uzbek soums ($445,000) for renovation work of public transport in the city of Tashkent.

Furthermore, Chinese-made vehicles continue to play an important part in the development of the transport sector in Uzbekistan - big Chinese factories function in the country, thus supplying various vehicles.

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