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Uzbekistan China

Number of flights between Uzbekistan, China to grow

TASHKENT, Uzbekistan, January 26. Uzbekistan and China signed an agreement to increase number of flights between the countries, TurkicWorld reports.

The agreement was signed as a result of negotiations held in Beijing between the delegation of Uzbekistan's Transport Ministry and the Aviation Administration of China.

The protocol of the agreement provides for increasing the number of flights between the parties to 100 per week (50 flights by airlines of both countries), changing the pre-established 7 cities for flight geography to a choice of an unlimited number of cities, as well as changing the number of serving 3 airlines to an unlimited number of airlines.

The agreement will enter into force after an additional meeting of the aviation administrations of the two countries in April this year upon completion of China's internal procedures in accordance with the country's legislation.

Meanwhile, Tajikistan's Somon Air has increased a number of flights to Uzbekistan.

Thus, flights from Dushanbe to Tashkent will be operated on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. All flights will be conducted using Boeing 737-800 and Boeing 737-900 aircrafts.

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