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US Türkiye

US Congress approves F-16 fighter jet agreement with Türkiye

BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 11. The US Congress has decided to approve an agreement with Türkiye on the sale of 40 new F-16 fighter jets and the modernization of existing F-16 fighters, said the US embassy in the country on X (Twitter), TurkicWorld reports.

US Ambassador Jeff Flake said that Congress' approval this week of Türkiye's purchase of 40 new and 79 modernized F-16 fighter jets is a big step forward.

"Türkiye's fleet of F-16s is crucial for NATO forces in ensuring future interoperability between allies," he said.

On January 27, following Türkiye's decision to ratify Sweden's NATO accession, Ben Cardin, Chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, endorsed the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Türkiye.

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