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Jeyhun Bayramov Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan Kyrgyzstan

Azerbaijani, Kyrgyz FMs discuss expansion of bilateral cooperation

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 1. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov has met with his Kyrgyz counterpart Zheenbek Kulubaev, the Foreign Minister's publication on social media says, TurkicWorld reports.

"We held extensive discussions on further expansion of bilateral cooperation and interaction on various multilateral platforms, including the Organization of Turkic States," the publication notes.

Meanwhile, the day before, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov went on a working visit to Türkiye During the visit, the Minister is scheduled to participate in the Antalya Diplomatic Forum, speak at the panel Institutionalization in the Turkic World: Organization of Turkic States in the XXI century, as well as hold numerous bilateral meetings.

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