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EU calls on Azerbaijan, Armenia to finalize peace agreement by year-end

BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 27. The EU has once again underscored its support for peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia, TurkicWorld reports.

As stated in the conclusion remarks, following the meeting, the "European Council underlines its continued support for advancing a sustainable and lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan based on the principles of recognition of sovereignty, the inviolability of borders and territorial integrity".

"The European Council supports the Brussels normalization process and calls on the Parties to engage in good faith and to finalize this process by the end of this year," the statement reads.

Meanwhile, Earlier, Charles Michel, President of the European Council, announced that Brussels has invited leaders of both Azerbaijan and Armenia to participate in a trilateral meeting before the end of October.

However, Toivo Klaar, EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, told Trend that the expected meeting is not likely to happen.

"Indeed, the Trilateral Meeting of the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia in the Brussels format would most probably not take place before the end of the month as initially foreseen. We are now engaged in consultations with Armenia and Azerbaijan aimed at preparing the next Summit and it is our expectations that the leaders will meet in Brussels as agreed at the earliest possible opportunity," he added.

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