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Azerbaijani Railways moves to new price policy on domestic routes

Baku. TurkicWorld:

Azerbaijani Railways will switch to a new pricing policy on domestic routes from November 1, the head of the passenger transportation department of Azerbaijan Railways Azer Farajov said at a briefing for media representatives on the innovations in the field of services, TurkicWorld reports.

He noted that under the new pricing policy, ticket prices may change depending on demand.

“Thanks to advanced technologies integrated into the ticketing system, passengers can track prices in real-time and choose the most suitable travel time. Passengers who have purchased a ticket to the point of arrival and in the opposite direction 25-30 days before the trip will be able to take advantage of a 15 percent discount,” the head of the department said.

Farajov noted that the new pricing policy provides customers with a wider choice.

“Speaking about the global experience, Russian Railways uses a strategy of dynamic pricing on routes with high demand, Belarusian Railways offers reservations and discounts at off-peak times, in many European countries prices vary depending on the time of ticket purchase, occupancy rate, and seat selection. Passengers of Azerbaijani Railways will also be able to get discounts by pre-planning travel to domestic destinations. Prices are determined depending on factors such as the time of ticket purchase, day of the week, and direction of travel,” he said.

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