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Western Azerbaijan Community

Western Azerbaijani community calling on Armenia to steer clear of its revanchist stance

Baku. TurkicWorld:

At the instigation of some foreign forces, revanchist forces in Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora have intensified a campaign that the “Nagorno-Karabakh issue” is allegedly not solved and remains open, and demand from the Armenian government and revanchist circles to abandon the dangerous path, the statement of the Western Azerbaijan Community (WAC) said, TurkicWorld reports.

The statement stresses that such an approach, as well as the Armenian side's inaction against elements that threaten Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, its rapid militarization, and its refusal to exclude territorial claims to Azerbaijan from its constitution, are of serious concern.

“In this regard, we would like to strongly remind that those who think that the 'Nagorno-Karabakh issue' has not yet been resolved are fundamentally mistaken. Azerbaijan has once and for all restored its territorial integrity and sovereignty, it is immutable and irreversible. The issue of the safe and dignified return of Western Azerbaijanis to their native lands is unresolved. Only the question of returning to West Azerbaijan remains open. The Western Azerbaijani community will consistently continue its efforts in this direction.

We demand from the Armenian government and well-known revanchist circles to abandon this dangerous path,” the statement of the WAC emphasizes.

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