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Azerbaijani judokas

Azerbaijani judokas advance to semifinals of European Championship

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 5. The European Junior Judo Championships kicked off today in Tallinn, Estonia, TurkicWorld reports, citing

On the first day of competition, three Azerbaijani judokas advanced to the semifinals.

In the 60 kg category, Nizami Imranov began his campaign from the second round, defeating Francesco Sampino (Italy) and then Marko Jorgic (Serbia).

He will face Zacharie Dijol (France) in the semifinals.

In the 48 kg category, Kenul Aliyeva started her matches from the second round, overcoming Begümnaz Doğruyol (Türkiye) and Laura Bogdan (Romania) to secure a semifinal spot.

She will compete against Morgan Annis (France) in the next round.

Hadiya Gadaşova, competing in the 52 kg category, won against Alicia Poulange (France) and Lena Djeriou (Germany) to reach the quarterfinals, where she was defeated by Michaela Skiakovelli (Italy) and moved to the consolation bracket.

In the 57 kg category, Fidan Alizadeh started strong with victories over Lea Wiss (Liechtenstein), Evgeniya Gaich (Serbia), and Chloe Link (United Kingdom), advancing to the semifinals.

Fidan Ghasimova lost to Anna Shash (Hungary).

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