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USAID Tajikistan

Tajikistan, USAID engage in talks on development of economic co-op

Baku. TurkicWorld:

Tajikistan and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) discussed matters related to the development of cooperation in economic and social areas, TurkicWorld reports.

According to Tajikistan's Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the issue was deliberated during a meeting between deputy minister Ahliddin Nuriddinzoda and the director of the USAID mission in Tajikistan, Peter Riley.

Nuriddinzoda highlighted that USAID could leverage the technological expertise and capabilities of the US to assist Tajikistan in achieving the goals and priorities outlined in the country's national development strategy. This includes attaining sustainable development goals by enhancing cooperation in the realms of innovation and technology.

At the conclusion of the meeting, both parties expressed their readiness to advance and strengthen collaboration in the identified areas.

The priorities of USAID activities in Tajikistan encompass food security and agriculture, healthcare, education, democracy, and government administration.

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