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Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev

Large-scale work is underway for revival of Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur - President Ilham Aliyev

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 23. After the war, the amount to be spent by the end of this year is 19 billion manats. Most of the funds is channelled into infrastructure projects, said President Ilham Aliyev as he addressed the first session of the seventh convocation of the Milli Majlis, TurkicWorld reports.

The head of state pointed out that efforts are being made to return former IDPs to their homes, and more than 8,000 former IDPs have already settled in Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur. Their number will increase every month and every year.

The President also touched upon infrastructure projects.

"Schools, hospitals, social facilities, villages are under construction. In other words, in a nutshell, large-scale work is underway for the revival of Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur," the head of state added.

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