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Uzbekistan OSCE Central Election Commission

Uzbekistan accredits foreign observers for nation's parliamentary election

TASHKENT, Uzbekistan, September 23. Representatives of international organizations have been accredited to observe the parliamentary election in Uzbekistan, TurkicWorld reports.

This issue was discussed during the latest meeting of Uzbekistan's Central Election Commission (CEC), dedicated to accrediting observers from foreign states and international organizations, as well as organizing the operations of the information center.

The parliamentary election expects participation from about 1,000 international and foreign observers, including about 400 representatives from 50 countries and about 500 representatives from 21 international organizations, including the CIS, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and the Organization of Turkic States, as well as 60 representatives from electoral commissions of 26 countries.

The OSCE ODIHR plans to send a large election observation mission represented by a core group and around 350 long-term and short-term observers to Uzbekistan.

Some observers from international organizations, such as the CIS, the CIS Parliamentary Assembly, and the OSCE ODIHR, have already been accredited.

Note that the election for regional, city, and district council MPs, as well as members of the Legislative Chamber of the Uzbek Parliament, is scheduled for October 27.

The election will involve the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen - the Liberal Democratic Party, the Democratic Party of National Revival, the Ecological Party, the People's Democratic Party, and the Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan "Adolat".

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