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Kyrgyzstan sets sight on small HPPs launch in existing reservoirs by 2027

Baku. TurkicWorld:

Kyrgyzstan plans to commission small hydropower plants with a combined capacity of 80 MW in existing reservoirs between 2024 and 2027, TurkicWorld reports.

This information is detailed in Kyrgyzstan's National Energy Program until 2035, which was submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan for consideration by the Kyrgyz Parliament.

Specifically, the plan includes:

- The Balasaryu HPP with a capacity of 21 MW in the Kirov reservoir (to be commissioned in 2024).
- The HPP on the Orto-Tokoy reservoir with a capacity of 21 MW (to be commissioned in 2026).
- The Kara-Kul HPP with a capacity of 18 MW (to be commissioned in 2026).
- The Papan HPP with a capacity of 20 MW (to be commissioned in 2027).

According to estimates from the Institute of Water Issues and Hydropower of the National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan, the country's hydroelectric resources amount to 245.2 billion kWh, of which the technically feasible exploitable potential is 142.5 billion kWh.

It is noted that the hydroelectric potential is concentrated in the river basins of the Naryn (36 percent of the total), Fergana Valley (27 percent), Sary-Jaz (10.7 percent), and Chuy (9 percent). Among them, the most promising are the Naryn River basin with a potential capacity of 6,970 MW and the Sary-Jaz River basin with a potential capacity of 993 MW.

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