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Turkmenistan Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan discuss initiatives to simplify transit cargo transportation

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan, February 29. Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan discussed initiatives to abolish the permit system for bilateral transit cargo transportation between the two countries, TurkicWorld reports.

The issue was addressed during a meeting between Kyrgyzstan's Minister of Transport and Communications, Tilek Tekebaev, and the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Kyrgyzstan, Nury Goliev, according to the Kyrgyz ministry.

The sides discussed regulatory fees for transit by road transport through Turkmenistan for Kyrgyz cargo carriers and the possibility of obtaining annual visas for them. The Turkmenistan ambassador noted the country's readiness to collaborate with Kyrgyzstan in the field of transportation and to exchange expertise and cooperation on international transport corridors such as the Asia-Europe and North-South routes.

He also mentioned that the upcoming session of the intergovernmental commission will address the aforementioned issues, expressing hope for further strengthening cooperation.

In conclusion, Tekebaev expressed readiness to support new mutually beneficial initiatives that would enhance cooperation between the countries in transport field and further develop successful and fruitful interaction.

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