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Kazakhstan approves draft comprehensive dev't plan for Astana agglomeration

BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 27. The government of Kazakhstan approved the Comprehensive Development Plan of Astana agglomeration for 2024-2028 during a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov, TurkicWorld reports.

According to the Minister of National Economy Nurlan Baybazarov, the capital has several problems leading to an increase in the load on all types of infrastructure, the sprawl of the outskirts of the city, the lack of a convenient transportation system, and the shortage of social facilities. To solve them, the developed comprehensive plan envisages several systemic measures.

Thus, the document envisages 329 measures, and 6 directions (development of urban planning, modernization of social and engineering-transport infrastructure, ensuring environmental sustainability, security, and prevention of emergencies). The total amount of funding for these goals will amount to 1.13 trillion tenge (about $2.5 billion).

The main activities of the Comprehensive Plan include the development of a unified urban planning policy, establishment of borders of settlements within the agglomeration, creation of eco-towns with an area of 940 ha, construction of 6 logistics complexes, electric locomotive service center, repair of 400 km and construction of 300 km of roads, reconstruction of 4 bridges.

The construction and reconstruction of 70 kilometers of sewage systems, 500 kilometers of water supply and sewage networks, 800 kilometers of power transmission lines, 3 boiler houses, 30 kilometers of heating networks, and 1,100 kilometers of gas pipeline are also envisaged.

Within the framework of the Complex Plan, 25 food production facilities will be built, 12 enterprises for the production of industrial goods, and 300 hectares of industrial zones will be created in the Arshaly district.

It is expected that by 2029 more than 3,000 jobs will be created, 70,000 people will be provided with medical care, the volume of output in the manufacturing industry will be increased to 120 percent, and the share of roads in good and satisfactory condition will be increased from 55 percent to 70 percent.

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