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Kazakhstan to nominate consumer protection ombudsperson

ASTANA, Kazakhstan, September 4. The Majilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan has approved in the first reading the draft law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" in a new version and related amendments, TurkicWorld reports.

Thus, the main bill introduces the Institute of Ombudsperson for consumer protection. He will be entitled to provide advice to consumers, file a lawsuit in court in defense of their rights and legitimate interests, as well as perform other functions.

The position will be appointed and dismissed by the head of the authorized body (Ministry of Trade and Integration). The Ombudsman will be elected for four years and will carry out his/her activities voluntarily (without payment).

Furthermore, it is planned to make inadmissible the inclusion in contracts of conditions that violate and infringe the rights and legitimate interests of consumers. In total, more than ten of them are envisaged. Otherwise, the contracts will be recognized as invalid, and the invalidity of the transaction will be established by the court.

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