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Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

Kazakhstan ready to provide ample opportunities for oil, gas exploration to Qatari companies - President Tokayev

BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 15. Kazakhstan is ready to provide ample opportunities for oil and gas exploration to Qatari companies, the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said during the Kazakh-Qatari investment roundtable in Doha, TurkicWorld reports.

According to him, the energy sector is the basis of interaction between the two countries.

“We are implementing global best practices to make significant discoveries possible. For this aim, I invite Qatari energy companies to actively participate in projects in geological exploration, petrochemicals, transportation and processing of oil and gas," the head of state noted.

"We are expecting the signing of agreements with Power International Holding on the construction of gas processing plants at the Kashagan field, as well as on the construction of the Beineu-Bozoy-Shymkent and Aktobe-Kostanay gas pipelines today. This is a very promising initiative. We hope that negotiations on the construction of another gas processing project in Kashagan will soon yield practical results," added Tokayev.

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