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Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev Middle Corridor

Middle corridor to allow expanding pace of trade between most vital markets - Tokayev

ASTANA, Kazakhstan, September 20. The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (Middle Corridor) will increase the pace of trade between the most important markets, almost halving the time required to transport goods by sea, said President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev during his speech at the General Debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, TurkicWorld reports.

Tokayev focused on the need for new assessments that will solve pressing global economic problems while ensuring the right to development.

"To achieve this, we need an open, transparent, and inclusive multilateral trading system based on the principles and rules of the WTO. We also need to think about improving global food security," he said.

As the President of Kazakhstan noted, last year, almost 10 percent of the world's population faced the problem of hunger.

"The voluntary exchange of information on food security, including production volumes as well as the export and import of food products, should be intensified. We must work together to ensure transparent monitoring of international funding for responses to food crises," he said.

Tokayev noted that Kazakhstan is ready to act as a regional food supply hub.

"For this, we have all the necessary resources, infrastructure, and logistics. Kazakhstan is already a reliable link through which about 80 percent of land transit traffic between Asia and Europe passes. The Trans-Caspian international transport route—the so-called "Middle Corridor"—can significantly strengthen interaction between East and West. This route will increase the pace of trade between key markets, almost halving the time required to transport goods by sea," he added.

The Middle Corridor is a transportation and trade route that connects Asia and Europe, passing through several countries in the region. It is an alternative route to the traditional Northern Corridor and Southern Corridor. The route starts in China and crosses Central Asian countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. It then passes through the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey before reaching Europe. The Middle Corridor offers a land route that connects the eastern parts of Asia, including China, with Europe, bypassing the longer maritime routes.

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