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green energy

Azerbaijan deems Khizi-Absheron WPP project crucial step in country's energy strategy

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 18. The Khizi-Absheron wind power plant (WPP) is considered an important step in Azerbaijan's energy strategy to accelerate the transition to renewable energy resources.

TurkicWorld studied the "green energy" potential of the Khizi-Absheron wind farm.

This project offers great prospects for the environment, energy security, and economic development. The Khizi-Absheron WPP is one of the most important renewable energy projects in Azerbaijan. This plant aims to increase electricity generation by utilizing the strong wind potential of the region.

The first wind farm in Azerbaijan and the largest in the Caucasus will have a capacity of 240 megawatts. The project will be implemented by ACWA Power from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A total of $300 million has been allocated for the implementation of the project over the past period. This is Saudi Arabia's largest investment outside its own country.

According to the signed agreement, the Khizi-Absheron wind power plant will be commissioned in 2025.

Furthermore, it is planned that the plant will produce 1 billion kWh of electricity per year, which will save 220 million cubic meters of natural gas and prevent the emission of more than 400,000 tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Modern, high-efficiency wind turbines are being installed at the plant. This ensures more efficient energy production. As a renewable energy source, the use of wind power plants helps to reduce the carbon footprint and protect the environment. This project increases Azerbaijan's energy self-sufficiency while at the same time ensuring the sustainability of the electricity grid.

The Khizi-Absheron wind power plant is an important step in the country's energy sector as part of Azerbaijan's transition to green energy. Such projects aim to increase Azerbaijan's environmental and economic sustainability.

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