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China Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

Kazakhstan remains reliable partner of China - Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

ASTANA, Kazakhstan, May 20. Kazakhstan has been and remains a reliable partner of China, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said during a meeting with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi, TurkicWorld reports via Akorda.

"Kazakhstan has been and remains a reliable partner of China. We are doing our best to fulfill the agreements that were reached earlier. Indeed, our relations and cooperation are forward-looking into the future," he said.

Tokayev stressed China's diplomacy's vital role in world politics. He believes Chinese activities set the global agenda and contribute to international peace and security. He called China a leader in manufacturing, exports, technology, economic growth, and foreign investment.

Wang Yi, in turn, expressed gratitude to the President of Kazakhstan for the hospitality on Kazakh soil and conveyed best wishes on behalf of President Xi Jinping.

The meeting also discussed prospects for further strengthening of bilateral cooperation in trade and economic, energy, cultural, and humanitarian spheres, as well as opportunities to expand intergovernmental contacts.

The President of Kazakhstan conveyed warm greetings to Chinese leader Xi Jinping and noted that he has high expectations for his upcoming state visit to Astana.

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