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Akkuyu NPP Türkiye

Date for commissioning of first power unit Akkuyu NPP in Türkiye announced

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 19. The construction of the Akkuyu NPP in Mersin, Türkiye has reached the stage of commissioning at the first power unit, said Denis Sezemin, director of construction and production organization of Akkuyu Nuclear JSC, TurkicWorld reports.

According to him, the first power unit is planned to be put into operation in April 2025.

"We received a license for the construction of the first power unit in April 2018, so the commissioning date of the first power unit is presumably April 2025. At the first block, most of the main construction and installation work has been completed, commissioning of all equipment and systems is underway," he said.

He noted that “the work is being carried out in full accordance with the approved schedule.”

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