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France Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev Emmanuel Macron

Joint statement of Kazakh, French Presidents released

PARIS. KAZINFORM – A joint statement made by Kazakh Leader Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and French President Emmanuel Macron has been released, Kazinform reports.

On November 29-30, 2022, Kazakh President Tokayev made an official visit to France at the invitation of Emmanuel Macron

The heads of the two States expressed their satisfaction with the trust-based and regular dialogue at all levels. Kazakhstan is the main economic partner of France in Central Asia, while France is among the leading investors in the Kazakh economy.

In the joint statement, French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed his support of the thorough reforms underway under the Kazakh Head of State’s leadership aimed at strengthening the rule of law, fundamental freedoms and social justice essential for stability and sustainable development.

The sides expressed mutual will to promote peace, security, and stability globally and regionally. The unwavering commitment to the international law and underlying principles of the UN Charter, including respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity, was stressed. France and Kazakhstan express deep concern over the Ukraine situation, its humanitarian consequences, and impact on the global economy, food security of the most vulnerable countries.

The two hailed the Central Asia – European Union Summit held on October 27, 2022, in Astana.

Tokayev and Macron noted with satisfaction the launch of the major transport initiatives in Central Asia, in particular the development of the Caspian International Transport Route, as well as expressed support for the realization of the EU’s project Global Gateway.

The Presidents are committed to address climate change as well as praised the confirmation of the target to keep the global warming level of 1.5 degrees Celsius at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh.

In the statement, the Kazakh Head of State wished the French President success in the preparation for the 33rd Summer Olympic Games to take place in France.

Tokayev invited Emanuel Macron to visit Kazakhstan in the near future.

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