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Baku Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Russia

Normalization of relations between Baku, Yerevan - priority, Russian MFA says

BAKU, Azerbaijan, January 30. The normalization of relations between Baku and Yerevan is a priority, TurkicWorld reports citing the response of the Russian MFA to media questions at the press conference of Russian FM Sergey Lavrov on the results of 2022.

"Russia, which has direct borders with South Caucasus, is interested in the stability and prosperity of this region, the mutually beneficial use and disclosure of its transport and logistics, trade and investment, and technological opportunities. This is what the efforts of our diplomacy are aimed at," the ministry said.

It was noted that Russia is intensively working to overcome the accumulated conflict potential in the region.

"In this regard, one of the priorities is the normalization of Armenia–Azerbaijan relations. The foundation for this is the statements of the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia of November 10, 2020, January 11, 2021, November 26, 2021, and October 31, 2022. We are convinced that the success of the process depends entirely on the strict adherence to these trilateral agreements," the FM noted.

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