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Azerbaijan discloses number of megaparks under construction in Baku

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 13. Work is underway to build 10 megaparks in Baku, and the area of several local parks has been expanded, TurkicWorld reports.

Recent years have seen the construction of about 400 new parks in the city, and this process continues.

By the relevant decree of the head of state, major repair and restoration activities are being carried out in the Central Botanical Garden and the dendrology parks in Mardakan settlement (Khazar district of Baku), which are expected to be completed by the end of the year.

The Ganjlik Park, Nizami Ganjavi Park, Yasamal Forest Park, Central and Winter Parks, and Chemberekend Park, built several years ago, provide all the conditions for the relaxation of residents and numerous guests of the city, with modern sports and children's recreational facilities installed.

As part of large-scale construction and installation efforts in the capital, many areas previously occupied by uninhabitable and hazardous buildings are being transformed into parks rather than new buildings.

Currently, work is underway to expand the Sevgi Park located in the Khatai district, due to which buildings with expired operational life located around Yusif Safarov Street, one of the city's main thoroughfares, are being demolished, with compensation provided to the residents and property owners in accordance with current legislation.

Today, expansion and improvement activities are ongoing in the third section of Central Park.

A new megapark is being constructed in the Narimanov district at the intersection of Jeyhun Hajibayli, Nasib bey Yusifbeyli, and Vagif streets, along with the major repair and reconstruction of Narimanov Park.

At the same time, repair and restoration work has begun in Khagani Garden.

A new park will be established on a 12-hectare area at the intersection of May 28, Mehdi Mehdizade, Elman Ovchuyev, and Huseyn Rasulbayov streets.

Project and cost estimate documentation has been prepared for the repair and restoration of the square in front of the railway station, and the work has commenced.

Additionally, the work on greening and landscaping the capital continues.

Along the main streets and avenues of the city, in parks and recreation gardens, new trees, evergreen shrubs, and flowers are being planted, creating various floral compositions.

Flower pots are placed on lampposts and balconies along the roadsides.

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