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Azerbaijan Armenia Jeyhun Bayramov

Armenia uses Lachin corridor in Azerbaijan for purposes contrary to agreements – FM

Armenia uses Azerbaijan's Lachin corridor for purposes contrary to agreements, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov told reporters on the sidelines of the Aghdam International Conference at ADA University on November 24, TurkicWorld reports.

According to Bayramov, the trilateral statement [signed between Azerbaijani, Armenian and Russian leaders on November 10, 2020 following the second Karabakh war] indicates the principles and directions for the use of the corridor.

"These actions must be stopped. Azerbaijan will take all necessary steps in this regard. Our negotiations will thereupon continue both at the international level and with other partners," he noted.

According to the minister, Armenia's destructive steps regarding the trilateral statement are unacceptable.

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