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Chronicles of Victory

Chronicles of Victory: September 30, 2020

Baku. TurkicWorld:

The Azerbaijani Army launched a counter-offensive operation, later called 'Iron Fist' in response to Armenian armed forces on September 27, 2020, TurkicWorld reports.

The 44-day second Karabakh war brought an end to 30-year occupation of Azerbaijani lands and the restoration of country's territorial integrity.

Trend presents chronicle of Azerbaijan's second Karabakh war for September 30, 2020:

- President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva met with wounded soldiers.

- President of the European Council Charles Michel made a phone call to President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

- The Armenian armed forces used the Tochka-U high-precision tactical ballistic missile system. However, due to the unsuitability and poor quality of the Armenian troops' military equipment, three of the fired missiles didn't explode.

- The Azerbaijani Army disabled one S-300 anti-aircraft missile system of the Armenian armed forces during the fighting in the Shushakand village of the Khojaly district.

- The Armenian armed positions of the 1st Battalion of the 5th Motorized Rifle Regiment Tartar district's Hasangaya settlement and the 1st Battalion of the 6th Motorized Rifle Regiment stationed in the Talish direction were destroyed. The enemy's military equipment in the Jabrayil direction of the front was destroyed. The Azerbaijani Army units subjected the 4th battalion of the Armenian armed forces in the Fuzuli direction, to heavy artillery fire. The command post of the 41st separate regiment of the 18th motorized rifle division was also fired upon. The troop control was completely broken.

- The personnel of the 2nd Battalion of the seventh Mountain Rifle Regiment of the 10th Mountain Rifle Division of the 1st Combined Arms Army of Armenia in Tonashen, suffered big losses and left their defensive positions without permission. A blow was struck at the headquarters of the 5th Mountain Rifle Regiment in the Aghdere settlement of the division.

- The Azerbaijani Army conducted operations to destroy Armenian manpower and military equipment, surrounded in the Aghdere and Tartar directions, as well as continued the cleansing of the territory. Suffering significant losses in manpower and military equipment, the enemy couldn't cope with the evacuation of the dead and wounded.

- Some 46 civilians have been injured, and 14 have been killed as a consequence of heavy artillery shelling of Azerbaijani densely populated areas.

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