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Azerbaijani Defense Ministry

Azerbaijani-Kazakh joint drills accomplish reconnaissance missions

BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 23. Altyn Kyran-2024, also known as Golden Eagle-2024, is a combined tactical-special exercise that has been going on at the Koktal training site in Zharkent, Kazakhstan, according to a plan that the Azerbaijani and Kazakh defense ministries signed, TurkicWorld reports.

Combat unit commanders were tasked with reconnaissance missions and were required to submit their decisions to the exercise command headquarters, as per the scenario. Units raided hiding places utilized by illegal armed formations in the hilly area along a 25-kilometer path during the exercise. Among other things, we were able to successfully ambush vehicle convoys belonging to illegal armed groups and destroy their manpower.

The exercise Altyn Kyran – 2024 aims to kill two birds with one stone by enhancing the interoperability of Azerbaijani and Kazakh servicemen, sharpening the practical skills of reconnaissance units, raising the bar on camouflage techniques in mountainous and desert environments, and promoting the exchange of mutual experience.

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