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Azerbaijani Defense Ministry Altyn Kyran

Azerbaijan hooks up with Altyn Kyran-2024 international tactical drills opening

BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 21. The Altyn Kyran – 2024 joint tactical-special exercise opened in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on August 20 under a cooperative arrangement between the Azerbaijani and Kazakh Defense Ministries, TurkicWorld reports, referring to the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry.

The ceremony was a real showstopper, with the national anthems being played and the national flags of the participating countries being raised high and proud.

Speakers welcomed the guests, drove home the point about the significance of such exercises for brainstorming joint activities and swapping stories, and crossed their fingers for success for all the participants.

At the end, the servicemen participating in the exercise solemnly marched in front of the grandstand.

Participants will conduct mountainous reconnaissance and detect and neutralize illegal armed formations at the Almaty Koktal training site joint exercise. Furthermore, Azerbaijani servicemen will spill the beans on the nitty-gritty of their battle-hardened experience acquired during the 44-day second Karabakh War with their Kazakh comrades.

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