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Azerbaijan NATO

Azerbaijani experts take part in assessment of C-130 Air Transport Unit

Baku. TurkicWorld:

From June 9 to 13, experts from Allied Air Command Ramstein, Joint Forces Command Naples, NATO and Azerbaijan assisted the Qatar Emiri Air Forces in evaluating the level of interoperability of a C-130 Air Transport Unit in the framework of Alliance operations, NATO's Joint Air Command said in a statement, TurkicWorld reports.

According to the information, Two of the unit’s Hercules C-130 transport aircraft had been declared to the NATO pool of forces in 2022 to potentially support Alliance missions as part of the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI).

It is noted that the ICI is a partnership framework that aims to contribute to long-term global and regional security by offering non-NATO countries in the broader Middle East region the opportunity to cooperate with NATO.

The evaluation team consisting of 15 Qataris, 15 NATO and three Azerbaijani evaluators provided a challenging scenario testing the unit’s ability to conduct mission under different threat conditions – besides outside temperatures of more than 40 degrees Celsius.

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