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Scope of funds allocated for restoration of Azerbaijan's liberated territories announced

Baku. TurkicWorld:

Almost 17.5 billion manat ($10.2 billion) have been allocated from the Azerbaijani state budget for the restoration and reconstruction of the territories liberated from occupation since 2020, including 2024, Prime Minister Ali Asadov said, TurkicWorld reports.

He made the announcement during a speech in the Cabinet of Ministers at the discussion of the draft state budget and consolidated budget for 2025 and indicators of the consolidated budget for the next three years, the concept and forecast indicators of economic and social development for 2025 and the next three years.

Ali Asadov noted that 4 billion manat ($2.3 billion) are planned to be allocated for these purposes in 2025.

“It is gratifying that after the Second Karabakh War, the process of resettlement of former IDPs to the liberated territories continues within the framework of the Great Return Program. One of the five national priorities of Azerbaijan's socio-economic development until 2030 has been defined as “Clean Environment and Green Growth.” It is not by chance that the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan declared 2024 the “Year of Solidarity for a Green World”. The total expenditures of the green budget are envisaged to increase by more than 16 percent in 2025, including budgetary allocations to combat climate change,” the Prime Minister emphasized.

To note, a total of 31.9 percent, or 1.22 billion manat ($717 million), out of the 3.8 billion manat ($2.2 billion) envisaged in the state budget of Azerbaijan for 2024 for reconstruction and rehabilitation of territories liberated from occupation was allocated in the reporting period based on documents submitted by customers on relevant projects, which is by 58.6 million manat ($34.4 million), or five percent more compared to the corresponding period of 2023.

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