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Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov Italy

Azerbaijani FM receives newly appointed Italian ambassador

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 22. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov received the newly appointed ambassador of the Italian Republic to the country Luca Di Gianfrancesco, TurkicWorld reports.

The ambassador presented copies of his credentials to Minister Bayramov. The Minister congratulated Ambassador Luca Di Gianfrancesco on his appointment and wished him success in his activities.

Furthermore, the meeting discussed issues arising from the multi-dimensional relations of strategic partnership between the two countries, as well as the current regional situation.

The sides noted that intensive contacts between the heads of state, government representatives, and parliaments play an important role in the development of strategic relations.

The meeting emphasized the importance of using the mechanisms of strategic dialogue as well as political consultations in terms of discussing the prospects of multilateral cooperation in various fields, including economy, trade, energy security, humanities, education, etc. In particular, the role of the intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Italy was emphasized. It was emphasized that the Italy-Azerbaijan University will give additional impetus to the expanding cooperation in the field of education.

The minister informed about the current situation and realities in the region in the post-conflict period, the large-scale reconstruction and construction works carried out in the territories liberated from occupation, as well as the process of normalizing relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

The contribution of Italian companies to the reconstruction efforts was noted with satisfaction.

Moreover, the issue of mine threat in the liberated lands was brought to attention, and possibilities of cooperation in the field of demining were assessed.

Referring to the preparations for the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), as well as the negotiation process, Minister Bayramov noted that Azerbaijan will be glad to cooperate with Italy within the framework of its presidency in COP29.

The ambassador expressed gratitude for the reception and noted that he was glad to be appointed ambassador to Azerbaijan, and in the course of his activity, he will work on the development of the existing multidimensional relations of strategic partnership.

During the meeting, the sides also exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest.

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